Over the next 10 days, the excitement was building for the Camp Sabael Quasquicentennial! A celebration of the 125th year from the founding of camp by my great great grandfather and five friends. The 30' X 45' tent was delivered on the 25th and erected on the old grass tennis court. The portable toilet arrived and was installed. A pit was dug for the compostable plates and tableware. By evening all was ready and Camp was filling up.
We ended up with 90 participants spread among the 8 houses in Camp plus some in tents and rental houses across the lake. The weather cooperated for a great Baldface Mountain climb on Friday morning and a group swim and swimsuit competition on the Gott beach in the afternoon with a beach fire and singing that evening.
Saturday morning Joanna Colwell taught a yoga class at the tent then Ted Watt led a nature walk on Jerry's Farm. A large group swam the lake, crossing over to the western side where we had warned our neighbors about the invasion. In the afternoon, people toured the houses and prepared for the pot luck supper. We had a good showing of local friends and neighbors, wonderful food, and a mosquito-y dance under the tent.
Sunday morning the weather turned a bit drizzly, but we were still able to have a bird / fern walk followed by a Quakerish Thanksgiving service. The weather cleared enough for a rousing croquet tournament up at Eagle's Reach and some boat races on the lake. The evening was capped by a huge Oh Hell tournament at Snow Bird.
It was a wonderful time to celebrate a place we love and see all the people who also make it so special.
The boys left on the 30th to head back to MN and Jeff and I took Dad back to Vermont. Boat jobs were done, but we also were able to take Dad up the lake to Valcour Island for an overnight. This was the site of the first battle of the American Navy during the Revolutionary War. The fleet was commanded by Benedict Arnold and they met the British right by the bay we were anchored in! We even got on shore for a walk to the lighthouse.
We got back to Pine Bluff for a week on August 9th. A much quieter place now that the excitement of the big todo is over. We got in a climb of Castle Rock at Blue Mountain Lake and a trip to Glens Falls to see an exhibit of Georgia O'Keefe works done when she was at Lake George nearby. Now back in Vermont to pick up Jeff from his trip to MN for his mom's 90th birthday party. More Adirondack time to come, plus some cruising time on the boat, visits with sister Linda coming in September, then we'll figure out what to do next. It will become clear as we get closer. Sally