The best "signing tree" we've ever seen, anywhere. People hang all sorts of flotsam and jetsam on the tree and sign it. This is on Great Guana Cay, out in front of Baker's Bay Resort and Marina, a place so expensive that no one can afford to stay there. We weren't able to even ride our bikes in there.
Poolside at Treasure Cay. This is quite the spot. We can anchor in the bay right outside the resort complex and use all the resort facilities, including pool, wifi, showers, restaurant for $10/day,
Oceanside at Treasure Cay

Famous boat builder in Green Turtle Cay
View from the top of the famous lighthouse in Hope Town. It actually operates with the original fresnel lens. Cool.
Ocean view at Elbow Cay, where Hope Town is located. Touristy, but beautiful.
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